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 Vol. 6, Issue 2
Understanding statistical analysis
Robert Frykberg, DPM, MPH
Diabetic Limb Salvage

Letter From The Editor

I am very pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of The Journal of Diabetic Foot Complications (JDFC). We have provided direct links to the articles below to facilitate easier viewing of our Journal. Feel free to download the PDF versions to your own personal libraries.

As you may already know, the JDFC is a free, exclusively online journal with a primary focus on complications, conditions, and management of disorders affecting the diabetic lower extremities. Published quarterly, our peer reviewed issues contain review and research articles as well as interesting case reports from clinicians around the globe who share our interest in the diabetic foot and diabetic limb salvage. In the current issue you will read several interesting articles that present a new twist to the management of complex diabetic foot wounds as well as a successful protocol for amputation prevention that you can use in your own center.

I look forward to hearing your comments about the articles or the Journal in general. Our aim is to continually improve our content based on your comments and concerns. I encourage you to submit your own articles to us at or

You can reach the Journal of Diabetic Foot Complications on the web at

Best regards,

See you next time.

Robert Frykberg, DPM, The VA PACT Experience: Mortality and First Onset Diabetic Ulcer

Robert Frykberg, DPM, MPH
Diabetic Limb Salvage

Current Issue

What’s the buzz: bee products and their potential value in diabetic wound healing
by Susan V. McLennan, Frances R. Henshaw, Stephen M. Twigg

Honey, propolis, royal jelly, and bee venom have pre-clinical wound healing properties. This review seeks to examine factors that prevent diabetic wound healing and the potential of four bee products to promote diabetic human healing in these wounds. [...]

Risk factors for diabetic foot ulceration among patients attending primary health care services
by Almoutaz Alkhier Ahmed, Saad Abdulrahman Algamdi, Abdulelah Algurashi, Abdulelah M. Alzhrani, Khalid Abdullah Khalid

The objective of the study was to determine diabetic foot ulceration risk factors among Saudi patients with Type 2 diabetes in primary care centers. We designed a cross-sectional study and randomly selected 400 patients. [...]

A new staging system for cellulitis in diabetic lower limbs – improving diabetic foot practice around the world
by Dr. Amit Kumar C. Jain

This simple staging system is likely to help standardize the practice of diabetic lower limb salvage worldwide. By including photographic cases in this article, surgeons and specialists will hopefully better understand the new staging system. This will enable them to diagnose dreaded infections like necrotizing fasciitis more confidently in their diabetic lower limb salvage practice. [...]

Ankle Brachial Index and Transcutaneous Partial Pressure of Oxygen as predictors of wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers
by Lalithambika CV, Nisha B, Saraswathy L, Ajit Kumar Varma, Amrutha Jose, Sundaram KR

It is a relatively new measure of assessing microvascular circulation. Our aim was to compare and contrast the utility of ABI and TcPO2 in predicting wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers. The study included 118 diabetic foot ulcer patients who had their ABI and TcPO2 measured. [...]

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